Dual Enrollment
Earn Now Save Later
Save thousands on college tuition and graduate from college in up to a semester or 6 months faster! Cairn’s Dual Enrollment program lets you earn from 3 to 18 college credits while finishing high school. That means you could save up to $16,617 in college tuition and complete your college degree in 6 months quicker! Dual Enrollment credits may also be eligible under a 529 plan to cover tuition costs! Dual enrollment is a great option for students in any high school setting, whether private, public, or home-schooled. Students may also earn high school and college credit simultaneously if their high school approves.
And all instruction is grounded in the timeless Truth of God’s Word. No matter what your intended career path or field of study, Cairn is committed to helping you think about your career through a biblical worldview.