Dr. Debbie Lynn Wolf Featured in ISME Publication

In August of 2022, Dr. Debbie Lynn Wolf, chair of Music Education in the School of Music, was one of 40 music researchers selected to present papers for the Research Commission of the International Society of Music Educators. Since 2004, Dr. Wolf has contributed to this biennial event and has presented research in the Canary Islands, Bali, Portugal, China, Greece, Brazil, London, and Dubai. The proceedings of the most recent commission have been published in the journal, the International Vistas of Music Education, which will be referenced for masters and doctoral work.

Dr. Wolf’s research paper is titled, Music Teachers around the World Voice Perspectives on Characteristics of Success, Preparation, and Preferences in Teaching Music. In it, she and co-author Cecil L. Adderly present their aim of “comparing perspectives on characteristics on success, preparation and preferences in teaching music among in-service music teachers from around the world.” Dr. Wolf hopes that the conclusions of her research will provide insight and inspiration for music educators in their professional development as they consider multi-cultural perspectives of other educators.

Dr. Wolf reflects on the achievement: “I am thankful for the opportunities to represent Cairn University in this international platform. Although the last two seminars were held virtually, I have enjoyed traveling to different parts of the world to participate in these week-long seminars with other music education professors invited to present their research. I am grateful for these cross-cultural experiences and the friendships with music educators around the world. The intense research discussions and personal interactions with leading figures in the world of music education broadened my understanding and provided interesting accounts to share with music students at Cairn.”

You can learn more about the International Society of Music Educators here.


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