On Thursday, April 25, 2024, Cairn University held the second Empowering Educators Seminar. The seminar hosted over 160 teachers, making the event a sold-out success.
Keynote speakers Dr. Marti MacCullough and Dr. Beth Ackerman presented materials and resources for educators to for this year’s theme, “Classroom Management in a Post-Covid World.” In the midst of educators confronted with new challenges perpetuated by the lingering impact of Covid, many are seeking answers to new questions. Dr. MacCullough’s seminar focused on “Flourishing in the Classroom: Classroom Management and Student Discipline Informed by a Christian Worldview.” She outlined the challenges and issues educators face with their students and how to represent Christ in everything they do, including classroom discipline. Dr. Ackerman’s presentation aimed to take Dr. MacCullough’s ideas to the next step. Her topic, “Tools for Helping Students Manage their own Behavior,” provided a way for teachers to help students recognize their responsibility in managing themselves in order that they might positively contribute in the classroom not only for the sake of the student, but also for their peers.
Alongside the main sessions, participants also had an opportunity to choose a subject-specific breakout session. Options included “Mental Health and Puzzling Classroom Behaviors,” “Management and Mentorship: Building Impactful Relationships with your Students,” “Technology Management: Engaging Distracted Students and Promoting Human Thinking,” and other informative sessions.
Cairn University was pleased to encourage and support educators at this year’s conference and looks forward to next year’s seminar.