On Saturday, December 17, the University gathered together to celebrate the Fall 2022 graduates.
35 of the 81 graduates earned their master’s degrees and 58 earned their undergraduate degrees. Latin honors were awarded to 36 students who maintained a GPA of 3.5 or higher. In addition to the Latin Honors, graduates with the highest GPA were recognized. Graduates Katie Byers (Youth and Family Ministry/MS Counseling), Cameryn Farnsworth (Youth and Family Ministry/MS Organizational Development), and Noah Zehrung (Pastoral Ministries) earned a 3.99 GPA. Kayla Koch, who earned her BA in Psychology, maintained a 4.0 GPA.
Following the awarding of diplomas and a prayer of dedication given by Dr. Plummer, President Williams addressed the graduates. As he referenced the “wisdom hymn” of Psalm 19, President Williams reminded the students of the timelessness and timeliness of the passage. Throughout navigating the next stage of life, the type of world these graduates are going into requires the wisdom outlined by David. President Williams noted: “In all my years of involvement at the University, there has never been a time into which we have sent graduates that is so complex and yet so full of potential and promise for gospel work.”
President Williams urged the graduates to hold fast to the notion that “despite what the world may tell you, that Scripture is oppressive and repressive, that it is meant to stifle your creativity, or your individual expression, the Psalmist reminds us that the perfect law of the Lord revives the soul.” He added: “Hold fast to His word. Keep it in your heart and on your tongue. Make no mistake: There will be temptations to doubt these truths regarding God’s Word . . . But make no mistake: David, who knew well his own sinfulness and the grace and forgiveness of God, said there is nothing that can replace it.”
Congratulations, Class of 2022!