2022 World Reach Week: Captivated by God’s Heart, Committed to His Commands

Cairn hosted its biannual World Reach Week on the week of January 24–28, 2022. Over the course of a three year cycle, Cairn has emphasized three aspects of missions: discover, prepare, and commit. The 2021–22 academic year marks the third year of this cycle; accordingly, this week focused on forming a commitment to participate in God’s work around the world. 

During chapel on Monday, two representatives from SEND International shared how their teams strive to serve incoming refugees and local immigrant communities by meeting spiritual and physical needs of our international neighbors. The speakers related personal stories of their relationships with refugees from the Middle East, encouraging the student body to seek opportunities to love incoming foreigners as they build new lives in nearby communities. 

In Wednesday’s chapel, Liz Givens facilitated a Q&A with current students who have served internationally. Students shared formative experiences concerning their mission work in Greece and Kenya, as well as relationships they established through service. 

The last chapel, during Friday morning, was a time of worship. By praising God’s attributes, seeking to mirror His character, and asking Him to break our hearts for what breaks His, students were given the chance to reflect on the idea of commitment in pursuing ways to love others as we have been loved.

Students were invited to participate in additional seminars throughout the week. Dr. Plummer led a seminar titled “Addressing Objections to the Gospel,” Global Recordings Network and Disciples for the Harvest led a seminar on “Sharing the Gospel in 6,500 Languages Using Your Smartphone, and Ari Hauben of Chosen People Ministries spoke to “How You Can Effectively and Appropriately Reach the Heart of Jewish People With the Good News.” 

In addition to learning and listening, University students also had the opportunity to serve and celebrate. After collecting supplies for several weeks, the students made Luopads, reusable feminine hygiene products for women around the world, on Thursday afternoon. Later that day, MuKappa, the TCK student organization, organized a World Feast in Heritage Hall to celebrate the numerous cultures represented in the student body through food.

As students continue to learn about what it means to discover, prepare for, and commit to missions, World Reach Week continues to be an effective series of events educating the student body and developing a passion reflective of God’s heart for every tribe, nation, and tongue. 


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