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Jeff Black
Professor Emeritus, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Teaching at Cairn since 2005

Jeffrey Black


  • PhD, Temple University
  • MA, Temple University
  • MAR, Westminster Theological Seminary
  • BA, University of Delaware
  • Post-graduate studies in psychopharmacology & school psychology


Dr. Jeffrey Black teaches on a variety of topics within psychology & counseling, including marriage & family counseling, group counseling, psychopathology, student behavioral disabilities, and psychological development across the lifespan.

Dr. Black has served in the Counseling profession for over 30 years.  A licensed psychologist, he has served as a counselor in private practice, as Clinical Director of Christ Home for Children and, for 21 years, as Associate Pastor at Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia.  In addition to teaching at Cairn, he has also published in the Journal of Biblical Counseling and taught counseling and psychology at seminaries and through the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation.

Additional Information

Academic Specialties & Interests:

  • Marriage and Family Counseling
  • Psychopharmacology
  • School Psychology


Selected Publications:

  • Black, J. (2000). Making Sense of the Suicide of a Christian.  Journal of Biblical Counseling, Jan Vol. 18, 3
  • Black, J. (1995). Pornography, Masturbation and other Private Misuses: A Perversion of Intimacy. Journal of Biblical Counseling. Jan, Vol 13, 3.
  • Black, J. and Overton, W. (1990), Reasoning, Logic and Thought Disorders: Deductive Reasoning and Developmental Psychopathology, in Willis Overton (ed.) Reasoning, Necessity and Logic: Developmental Perspectives, (Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.


Selected Presentations:

  • Black, J. (2016) Sin, Grace & Shame: Transforming Failure, Faith in Practice Conference, Cairn University.
  • Black, J. (2016) Effective Parenting Models for the 21st Century, Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2016
  • Black, J. (2012). Breaking the Silence of Domestic Violence, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, National Conference, A New World of Suffering
  • Black, J. (2012). Counseling Addicts in Your Church- The Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Ministry, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation, National Conference, A New World of Suffering