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Cairn University School of Music

2024 Fall Events

The School of Music at Cairn University is a center for imagination, innovation, and excitement in the diverse world of music. Join us this fall as we share these gifts with you for the glory of God.

ALL TICKET PRICES (except where indicated):

General admission – $20.00

Seniors (65+), teens and non-Cairn students – $15.00

Current Cairn students and children 12 and under – FREE

(Alumni Relations offers discounts to current and future alumni)


Friday, September 27, 7PM

2024 marks the School of Music’s 20th anniversary as an All-Steinway School. Join Kenneth Borrmann and piano alumni both past and present for this special Homecoming piano recital that celebrates the Lord’s generosity to CairnUMusic! Special admission price of $10 includes a desert reception after the recital.


Sunday, October 20, 3PM


Join the students, faculty, and staff of the School of Music for a good, old-fashioned Hymn Sing! Join us as we sing in worship using the great hymns of the faith.


Daniel Bennett, Director | Like-Minded

Tuesday, October 29, 7:30PM

Holmes Hall

Fresh off his national tour promoting his new recording, Mr. Bennett’s Mind!, Daniel Bennet leads the Cairn Jazz Ensemble in jazz favorites old and new.


 Steven & Robin Massie Condy, Directors

Strength in Weakness – Scenes from classic opera and musical theater

Friday, November 1, 7:30PM

As individuals, we often feel weak for many different reasons. When adversity strikes, where can we find the strength to go one, or stand firm, or persevere?  Cairn Opera Theater presents a program of scenes from opera and musical theater centered around finding strength and showing the many ways that “[God’s] power is made perfect in weakness” (I Corin. 12:9).


Heidi Wolfskill, Conductor­


Caleb Thompson, Conductor

Of Skies and Seas

Friday, November 8, 7:30PM

Psalm 146:6 proclaims,  “He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them – He remains faithful forever.”  The Cairn Wind Ensemble plays an exciting concert exploring musical expressions from the heights of the heavens to the depths of the seas. PLUS, under its new conductor, Caleb Thompson, the Orchestra continues the heavenly journey with Beethoven Symphony No. 4.


Deion Payton, Director

Be Thou Exalted

Friday, November 15, 7:30PM

Psalm 57:5 – “Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above all the earth.” The Gospel Choir presents a concert centered around the exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ. This concert will feature songs of jubilation as we sing of Christ’s sovereignty and is sure to uplift listeners as we lift the name of Jesus.


Michael Breece, Director

Puss in Boots

Fairy tale adapted by Max Bush

Friday, November 22, 7:30PM

Saturday, November 23, 2:00PM

Can a poor miller’s son with nothing on his mind except his next meal win a fortune, a title, and the hand of a beautiful princess? With the help of a bold, enterprising cat, a pair of boots, and a clever, imaginative playwright, the answer is yes! Funny and fast-paced, this Puss in Boots remains faithful to the qualities that have made the fable popular over many generations—an inventive wit and a sense of the fantastical possibilities of the relationships between men and beasts. Produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois


Friday, December 6, TWO PERFORMANCES: 4PM and 8PM

The Christmas tradition continues! Celebrate the birth of our Savior in this celebration concert featuring the Cairn Chorale and Handbell Choir, as well as selections from the Cairn Symphony, Jazz Ensemble, Brass Quintet and much more.