Office of the President

Since 2008, Dr. William’s continues his faithful service as president to his alma mater. His dedication to Cairn as president has helped contribute to the shaping, building, and supporting of the University centered on Christ and His Word. Read more about his vision for the University.

Todd J. Williams, Ph.D.

President & CEO Cairn University

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About Todd J. Williams, Ph.D.

Prior to serving as President of Cairn University. Dr. William’s leadership and experience in education includes:

Dr. Williams holds a BS in Bible from Cairn University and earned his MEd and his PhD at Temple University. In addition to his role as president, he also serves on the board of the Association for Biblical Higher Education, is a member of the Faith and Liberty Discovery Center Scholar Advisory Council in Philadelphia, a member of the Board of Directors of Gospel Volunteers Inc., and is Chairman of Board of Governors of The John Jay Institute.


Dr. Williams’ involvement with Cairn extends far beyond his role as President. Some of his first classes he taught included psychology, group dynamics, and political science. Dr. Williams saw both of his children graduate from Cairn, and graduated from Cairn himself. (He even cut the grass as part of the maintenance crew while a student.) All of these experiences helped shape his vision for the University. With the average length in a university president’s office being a mere six and a half years, Dr. Williams’ 15 (and counting) years point to his commitment not just to his job, but to the values and mission that the University stands for.


Dr. Williams leadership is not just felt at Cairn. Throughout the year, Dr. Williams is asked to speak at conferences such as Harvey Cedars, CAMP-of-the-WOODS, and Ocean Grove. His interest and knowledge in biblical, theological, and cultural issues have been the source of his talks at such conferences.

Dr. Williams frequently contributes to publications including The Bucks County Courier Times, The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, and others. His writings often explore topics relevant to higher education, further solidifying the University’s distinct position within higher education. 


While Dr. Williams provides pulpit supply to various churches, he and his wife, Dawn, attend an independent Bible church. In the past, he has served on elder boards and taken part in a church choir.

Dawn’s primary profession is a labor and delivery nurse, but she also shares a love of the outdoors with her husband. She is a proficient gardener, backpacker, beekeeper, and even makes maple syrup. The Williamses have two children, Connor and Caitlin. Both chose to attend Cairn University and now have established careers. Connor, a business major, serves in the United States Navy. Caitlin, a music major, is a performing musician living in Nashville.

“My hope is that institutions of Christian higher education would continue to be places where students are educated in a way that strengthens their faith and their confidence in the Lord and His Word, rather than erodes it, where they're actually made ready to serve in an increasingly complicated world, not just insulated from it.”


Dr. Williams also has a love for more historical elements. Western poetry and American history have played an impactful role in his personal and academic life. He has built a daily routine of reading poets such as Longfellow, Tennyson, and Eliot in addition to Scripture. His biblical and theological view of the importance of the life of the mind has shaped his teaching style. He has introduced vocabulary lessons into his civics curriculum, citing the importance of reading and writing for developing eloquence and expanding thought.

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