Estate Planning Checklist

  • Have a Plan

    A will protects your family and estate. Dying without a will means state law determines how your estate will be distributed. The state’s plan may not match your desires. Need help? Cairn offers free will preparation services and estate planning documents to alumni and friends through our partnership with Free Will. Get started here.

  • Update Beneficiaries and Property Titles

    Beneficiaries can be named for many assets. Accounts with named beneficiaries supersede your will or trust. Make sure your property is titled correctly and proper beneficiaries are named.

  • Consider a Power of Attorney

    Naming a person to act on your behalf in financial matters can provide a measure of convenience and safety in a time of need. The person named should be someone you trust without question. Please note that a POA becomes null and void upon your death.

  • Consider a Heath Care Power of Attorney

    You can appoint someone to act on your behalf in health matters and make decisions on your behalf including authorizing specific medical treatments.

  • Consider an Advance Health Care Directive

    Making your wishes known regarding specific medical treatments to be received in the event you are terminally ill or injured will help your family know what to do if you are unable to communicate your wishes.

  • Leave a Letter of Instruction for Your Executor

    Although not legally binding, this can provide valuable information and guidance to your executor. Include information such as the location of accounts, financial advisors, insurance policies, and other important documents, as well as who should be notified in the event of your death.

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