Tori Aquilone web 1000
Associate Professor, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Teaching at Cairn since 2016

Victoria Bradley Aquilone


  • PhD, University of Delaware
  • MA in English, University of Delaware
  • MA in Liberal Studies, Certificates in Great Books and Peace & Justice Studies, Villanova University
  • BS in Bible, Cairn University
  • BS in Secondary Social Studies Education, English minor, Cairn University


Dr. Victoria (Tori) Aquilone has always loved learning. She started attending Cairn for her undergraduate degrees in social studies education and Bible while she was a senior in high school. Her studies took her to graduate school where she has spent two degrees—a master’s degree in liberal studies from Villanova University and a PhD in English from the University of Delaware—studying human relationships with the natural environment in the context of contemporary American literature.

At the forefront of Dr. Aquilone’s academic work is the God of the Bible, whose general revelation of Himself in creation, namely His “invisible attributes” of “eternal power and divine nature” (Romans 1:20), drives her desire to learn about and care for that very creation, as well as study literary works that celebrate it. In particular, her work engages sustainable agriculture, tree community, and plant-thinking. Even with such rich scholarly studies, Dr. Aquilone’s heart is in the classroom and thoroughly enjoys teaching English Composition, Literature and Arts in Historical Context I & II, and other literature courses.

Additional Information

Academic Specialties & Interests:

  • Contemporary American Literature
  • Environmental Humanities

Courses taught at Cairn:

  • English Composition
  • Literature and Arts in Historical Context I & II


  • Secondary English and Social Studies

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