Stephen Bell
Associate Professor, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Teaching at Cairn since 2020

Stephen Bell


  • PhD in Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh
  • BSc (Hons) in Chemistry and North American Studies, University of Sussex


After receiving a Bachelors of Science (Honours) from the University of Sussex in Brighton, England, Dr. Bell went on to receive his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Pittsburgh with a focus on organic and polymer chemistry. While he has never been on a formal mission trip, Stephen’s testimony is such that his entire work life has been one where he follows the Lord’s guidance for where he should be next, being blessed with success at each stop. His work has included leading oilfield chemical research groups in Texas and New Jersey, being a CEO to a chemical company in Pennsylvania, and then being “forced” to accept an incredible opportunity to do the Lord’s work as a high school teacher on the island of Maui in Hawaii (some unexpected mission trips are harder than others). In 2020, he landed back in Pennsylvania focusing on adjunct work at Montgomery County Community College and teaching chemistry at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy before coming to Cairn. Outside of teaching Stephen loves all things comedy, running, soccer, and is currently attending Cresheim Valley Church in Chestnut Hill.

Additional Information

Academic Specialties & Interests:

  • Chemistry – organic materials and polymer systems

Awards & Honors: 

  • Andrew Mellon Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (University of Pittsburgh)
  • University Fellowship (The Ohio State University)


  • “Improved Field Test Measures Polyacrylamide Fluid” Bell, S.A., Oil & Gas Journal, 46-48, 103(4), 2005
  • “Method and Composition for Improving NMR Analysis of Formation Fluids”, Bell, S.A., Shumway, W.A., Pober, K.W., Masek, P.W., U.S. Patent (Application 20050221495)
  • “Additives for Imparting Fragile Progressive Gel Structure and Controlled Temporary Viscosity to Oil-Based Drilling Fluids”, Bell, S.A., ,Shumway, W, U.S. Patent 7,560,418, 2007
  • “Subterranean Treatment Fluids Comprising Polyoxazoline Compositions and Methods of use in Subterranean Formations.”, Bell, S.A., U.S.. Patent, US 7,550,411, 2007
  • “Subterranean Treatment Fluids Comprising Polyoxazoline Compositions and Methods of use in Subterranean Formations.”, Bell, S.A., U.S.. Patent, US 7,178,610, 2006
  • “Using Cross-Linked Dextrans for the Separation of Polymers in Drilling Fluids.”, Bell, S.A., U.S. Patent (Application 20060011547)
  • “Synthesis and Characterization of Covalently Linked Single-Stranded DNA Oligonucleotide-Dendron Conjugates.” Bell, S.A., McLean, M., Oh, S.-K., Tichy, S.E., Corn, R.M., Crooks, R.M., Simanek, E.E., Biocon. Chem. 488-493, 14(2), 2003.
  • “Mechanistic Studies of Iminophosphorane Mediated C=N bond Metathesis,” Bell, S.A., Meyer, T.Y., Geib, S.J., J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 10698-10705, 134, 2002
  • “(2-Fluorophenylimino)tri(1-pyrrolyl)phosphorane,” Bell, S.A., Meyer, T.Y., Geib, S.J., Acta Cryst. Part C, 1341-1342, 57, 2001
  • “Iminophosphorane-mediated carbodiimide metathesis,” Bell, S.A., Meyer, T.Y., Geib, S.J., Chem. Commun. 1375-1376, 15, 2000
  • “Ph2PCl3: Covalency in solution and the solid state,” Bell, S.A., Geib, S.J., Meyer, T.Y., Inorg. Chem. 2524-2526, 38(10), 1999
  • “Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole-magnetite-silica particles,” Butterworth, M.D., Bell, S.A., Armes, S., Coll. Int. Sci. 91-99, 183(1), 1996


  • “New Approaches to Low Dose Gas Hydrate Treatment.” Bell, S.A.*, Jurek, M., Alexandre, M., Royal Society of Chemistry – Chemistry in Oilfield X, Manchester, UK, 2007 (Talk)
  • “Improving Drilling Economics Using Dynamic High-Angle Sag Testing .” Bell, S.A.*, Murphy, R., Jamison, D., American Assoc. of Drilling Engineers, Houston, TX, 2006, AADE-06-DF-HO-29 (Talk)
  • “Using Molecular Modeling to Understand the Mechanism for Adhesion of Shale-Stabilizing Polymers to Clay Surfaces.” Bell, S.A.*, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Advanced Technology Conference and Exhibit, Dallas, TX, 2005, SPE-95680 (Talk)
  • “Covalently-Linked DNA-Dendron Constructs.” Bell, S.A., Mclean, M.E., Tichy, S.E., Oh, S.-K., Zhang W., Corn, R.M., Crooks, R.M., Simanek, E.E.*, 52nd ACS South-West Reg. Mtg., Austin, TX, 2002. 359 (Talk)
  • “Characterization and Enzymatic Manipulation of Covalently-Linked DNA-Dendron Architectures.” Bell, S.A., Mclean, M.E., Crooks, R.M., Simanek, E.E.*, 52nd ACS South-West Reg. Mtg., Austin, TX, 2002. 357 (Talk)
  • “Mechanistic Studies of iminophosphorane mediated carbodiimide metathesis.” Bell, S.A., Meyer, T.Y.*, Adeyiga, A., Cwynar, V., 222nd ACS National Meeting, Chicago, IL, 2001. INOR (Talk)
  • “Metal-free metathesis catalysts: Using iminophosphoranes for multiple-bond metathesis,” Bell, S.A., Riley, P.N., and Meyer, T.Y.*, 220th ACS National Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2000. INOR 376 (Poster)
  • “Phosphorus-mediated double bond metathesis: A comparison with transition-metal-mediated reactions.” Meyer, T.Y.*, Bell, S.A., 220th ACS National Meeting, Washington, D.C., 2000. INOR 471 (Talk)
  • “Phosphorimines as =NR group transfer agents,” Bell, S.A., Geib, S.J., Meyer, T.Y.*, 219th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2000. INOR 249 (Poster)
  • “Reactions of phosphorimines with imines and imido complexes,” Bell, S.A., and Meyer, T.Y.*, 30th ACS Central Regional Meeting, Cleveland, OH, 1998. 223 (Talk)

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