Teaching at Cairn since 2013
Kevin McFadden teaches New Testament courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. Before coming to Cairn he studied New Testament Interpretation under Thomas R. Schreiner at Southern Seminary and taught for three years in the Christian Studies department at Louisiana College.
One of his most formative experiences was a mission trip through Inter-City Baptist Church to Tanzania where he saw the sufficiency of Scripture in action as God used his word to build up his people. Another was a pastoral internship at Capitol Hill Baptist Church where he understood more clearly that the gospel teaches us that people are saved by faith in Jesus Christ and not by what we do.
At Cairn, he teaches Narrative of Redemption, Gospels, Romans, Pastoral Epistles, Elementary Greek, and Greek Exegesis. He is currently working with Dr. Schnittjer on a reference work about the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament. He and his wife Colleen are members at Windsor Baptist Church.
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Academic Specialties & Interests:
Teaching at Cairn since 2013
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