Kate Mehmel
Program Advisor, Mathematics; Assistant Professor, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Teaching at Cairn since 2019

Kate Mehmel


  • MA in Mathematics, Villanova University
  • BS  in Education (Secondary Mathematics), Cairn University
  • BS in Bible, Cairn University


Kate Mehmel is a Cairn graduate who returned to the University after teaching high school math for 13 years. She (slowly) worked on a MA in Mathematics from Villanova while teaching, coaching, running youth group, and counseling at summer camp. She loves teenagers. She also loves to camp, hike, and generally to be outside, though inside with a book and a cup of coffee is also lovely. She spends most of her time with her toddler Eliana, who is (usually) a delight and in whom she is trying to instill a love of both the outdoors and books.

Additional Information

Contact Information:
[email protected]

Academic Specialties & Interests:

  • Calculus
  • Number Theory

Teaching at Cairn since 2019

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