Juliana Duprey
Faculty, School of Education

Teaching at Cairn since 2019

Juliana Duprey


  • MA (Education), Gratz College
  • BS (Elementary and Special Education), Holy Family University.


Mrs. Duprey taught in Autism Support for 7 years in the School District of Philadelphia and also has experience with ESL tutoring and working with children in early childhood programs. At Cairn she teaches education courses such as Foundations of Special Education and Diagnosis and Evaluation of Exceptional Learners. She has been married to her husband, Marques, for seven years, and they have two boys. She grew up in Philadelphia but now lives in the Abington area where she and her family are excited to be part of a church plant in Brewerytown.

Contact Information: [email protected]


Additional Information

Academic Specialties & Interests:

  • Elementary Education
  • Special Education

Teaching at Cairn since 2019