Judy Severns
Coordinator of International Student Teaching, School of Education

Teaching at Cairn since 2004

Judy Severns


  • MEd, Asuza Pacific University
  • BS in Bible, Cairn University


Dr. Severns serves as Coordinator for International Student Teaching.  She has served as a missionary with SEND International since 1977.  For 25 years, she lived in the Philippines, serving at Faith Academy–a large school for missionary children–first as a teacher, then as elementary principal. Since returning to the U.S. in 2003, she has served full-time as coordinator of SEND’s Third Culture Kid (TCK) Education department.

In addition to serving missionary families through their children’s education, Dr. Severns also applies her international experience to Cairn, encouraging Education students to explore the cross-cultural opportunities placed before them.

Additional Information

Contact Information:
[email protected]

Academic Specialties & Interests:

  • International Education
  • Education and Care of Third Culture Kids
  • Cross Cultural Ministry


  • Honorary Doctorate of Religious Education, Cairn University

Teaching at Cairn since 2004