Greg Schaller
Chair, Politics, Philosophy, and History Program, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences

Teaching at Cairn since 2017

Greg Schaller


  • Doctoral Candidate, University of South Dakota
  • ABD, Temple University
  • MA, Villanova University
  • BA Eastern University


In addition to teaching politics courses at the University, Greg Shaller is the president of The John Jay Institute, a one year program that “prepares principled leaders for faith-informed public service.” Greg previously served as associate professor of politics at Colorado Christian University, where he taught from the fall of 2009 until May of 2017. At Colorado Christian, Greg developed a political science major in the fall of 2011, which now has over 45 students in it.

In 2012, he started a student internship program at CCU. Each year, this program sends student interns to the Colorado and U.S. Capitols, as well as to various public policy think-tanks, such as the Heritage Foundation, AEI, and Americans for Prosperity. Greg also received several grants during his tenure at CCU, including a large grant from the Koch Foundation to teach students at Christian universities across the country about liberty and national security.

Additionally, Greg is a fellow at the Centennial Institute, Colorado Christian University’s public policy think-tank. His work with the Centennial Institute includes writing for their blog and in their monthly policy review, The Centennial Review. He also assists with the planning and coordination of the Centennial Institute’s Western Conservative Summit, a summer conference which is attended by over 3,000 people annually.

Greg has also taught at Villanova University and St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. He is pursuing his PhD at the University of South Dakota.

Additional Information

Contact Information
[email protected]

Academic Specialties & Interests:

  • American Government
  • Constitutional Law
  • Statesmanship
  • Public Policy

Group Affiliations

  • President, John Jay Institute
  • Founding Member, American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Values & Capitalism Project
  • Fellow, Centennial Institute

Teaching at Cairn since 2017