Does Your Major Matter to God? 6 Ways God Can Use Different Majors

As a Christian, it’s essential to seek to honor God in all you decide and do, especially in your college years. Your time at a university can set you up for habits of looking for ways to worship in any vocation or season of life. 

Choosing a college major can be tricky in any situation, but it can be especially nerve-wracking if you’re also wondering how God can use that major for His glory. 

So, how do you know that the major you’re considering is what God wants for you and is something He can use for the kingdom?

God’s Purpose Can Be Accomplished Through Any Major 

Before you start stressing about choosing a useless major or one that isn’t purely ministry-oriented, breathe. 

No matter your major, God can use it to bring glory to His name and kingdom. He wants to use the subjects and vocations you’re interested in and feel gifted in for His purpose. 

Making your heart right with God matters most in this college journey. If you’re willing to be used wherever He calls you, you’re on the right track. Remember that being open to where God is leading could lead to you changing majors, even if that means switching to a major that doesn’t make sense to others or is not practical by the world’s standards. 

Since God can use any degree, let’s look at some examples from different programs of how God might use you in various jobs to make His name known.

Living Out Christian Purpose in Any Vocation

Run Corporations Ethically: Business

God can use business people to accomplish his desire for businesses to be run ethically and fairly. From small businesses to grand corporations, how you participate in transactions, pay your employees, and source your materials matters. Being someone willing to conduct business ethically and not cut corners to curb costs makes a difference. 

God can use your business ethic and commitment to transparency to impact the whole corporate atmosphere. Your coworkers will notice a difference in you, and your clients will know they can trust you. 

At Cairn University, students learn the hard and soft skills of the business world and develop the character needed to excel as Christian leaders in the workplace. Their practice of ethical leadership also extends to their homes, churches, and other ministries.


Treat Patients as Children of God: Healthcare

As a healthcare professional, you can show the love of Christ to your patients, their families, and your coworkers. You’ll reflect the image of the Great Physician as you work to bring healing to your community. Helping bring people into healthier lives will also reflect God’s desire that everyone enters into a healed relationship with Him. 

The issues of ethics also arise in healthcare circles, and as a Christian in the healthcare world, you’ll make a difference with your commitment to ethical healthcare. 

Cairn’s Pre-Med Biology program provides students with a strong foundation for medical school through its biblically integrated study of biology.


Model Christ to Students: Education 

Christ spent much of his time teaching his disciples and crowds through parables. As a teacher yourself, you’ll have the chance to impart wisdom and train the next generation of students and leaders. Christian teachers can influence their schools for Christ, whether at a public or private school. 

Even in a public school environment, you can share Christ with your students through how you love them and your dedication to seeing them succeed. In some cases, you may even be able to talk about your faith when you’re asked. 

Students in the School of Education at Cairn study the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching, leadership and administration, and clinical practice. You’ll receive thorough preparation and credentials for teaching in public, private, Christian, and international schools.


Make Worship Your Forte: Music 

Having a heart of worship is an essential part of the Christian life. While you can worship God in any vocation, choosing music for your career is a way to worship God through the arts. As you take your classes and grow in your appreciation for and talents in the arts, you’ll have a greater appreciation for God’s creativity and creation. 

The School of Music at Cairn University is a center for imagination, innovation, and excitement in the diverse world of music. We prepare students who want to be educators, performers, and worship leaders to hone their craft and worship God well.


Bring Emotional Healing: Counseling

As a counselor, you’ll reflect the Holy Spirit’s role as the Counselor and Comforter. You can bring Godly insight and advice to your clients in your role. In Christian counseling, you can even pray with your clients and provide spiritual practices and scriptures to help them through difficult seasons. 

By looking to the Prince of Peace for wisdom and direction as you counsel your clients, you’ll give them insight beyond themselves and comfort that the world cannot offer. 

The mission statement of the graduate counseling program is to equip women and men to be biblically-minded, professionally competent persons of character as professional counselors. Cairn’s MSC program emphasizes clinical mental health counseling as it pursues this mission.


Lead in Ministry: Divinity 

Whether you pursue a pastoral position or work in the global outreach field, God can use your divinity degree. Choosing this major means you’ll have immersive Bible and Theology courses and ample time to put your education into practice as you reason through things you read in the Bible.

Taking intentional time to invest in your knowledge of the Word and how to live it out will prepare you for a life of effective ministry. 

Cairn’s School of Divinity prepares men and women to serve as biblically minded men and women of character in whatever capacity they are called to. This program seeks to cultivate students’ intellectual and spiritual growth and prepare them to explore religious, cultural, and moral issues of the church, society, and world.


Cairn University: Equipping You for Understanding God’s Plan For Your Life 

At Cairn University, our mission is to educate students to serve Christ in the church, society, and the world as biblically minded, well-educated, and professionally competent men and women of character. Our vision is to be a leading Christ-centered university that emphasizes excellence in education for students’ personal and vocational lives. 

Through our biblical foundation and various academic programs, Cairn prepares graduates to serve God’s purposes in any vocation. We believe that God can use you in any major you choose, and our faculty are ready to help you realize God’s design for your professional life.

You can check out our resource, The Benefits of Choosing a Christian Education: Integrating Your Faith With Your Degree, for more information on how God can use what you study for His glory. 

Or, if you’re ready to start walking a different path, you can apply today


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