Christian College Tech Majors are Being Actively Recruited for Jobs. Here’s Why.

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Michael Sabal, faculty member for technology majors at Cairn University, shares the skills that you should be sharpening (and that future employers are looking for!) if you’re pursuing a career in technology. 
I received a phone call from a local cybersecurity company last year looking specifically for graduates from Christian universities. When I asked why they were targeting our demographic for recruitment, they cited higher levels of professionalism and integrity than is typically found in graduates from secular institutions.  
That may surprise you. When students are preparing for a college education in technology, their main concern is whether that degree will help them land a job. While it’s true that a computer science degree from M.I.T. carries more weight in industry than a similar degree from other institutions, many companies are looking for more than just academic credentials. 
Interviews for high profile technology companies show that they are looking for individuals who can balance their interest in technology with these softer skills:
Integrity: A number of agencies have been working together over the past few years to offer research grants to universities to figure out how to incorporate higher standards of ethics into technology education. But at a Christian university, that emphasis of ethics and integrity comes standard. Bible and theology courses will help you grow in your faith, and your tech courses will also help you integrate your faith into your work. In these courses, you will regularly discuss the importance of giving due credit, how God gives you peace when facing difficult tasks, having a servant’s heart when assisting others, and what it means to approach every job with a desire for excellence.
Creativity: We recognize God is a creator, and He has created us in His likeness. The world often refers to technology as science, and in many ways it is. But designing programs, systems, and interfaces is as much of a craft and an art, having more in common with music and literature than with physics. Many of the highlights of computing technology history, such as punched cards, got their start in the textile industry. Even today, wearable technology (like an Apple watch) integrates form with function. At Cairn, many of our courses use game development to help you focus your learning in creative ways.
Human Relations: God did not create us for isolation; we were designed for fellowship.  Learning, product development, and business all improve when significant social interaction is included. While most of your education will require individual work, technology courses at Cairn emphasize the importance of working collectively. Many of the courses include a heavy emphasis on completing projects that are shown to peers for feedback. While professionalism is part of many curricula, our biblical background helps us to respect every person as part of God’s creation, also made in His likeness.
Recruiters for tech companies are actively looking for Christian college graduates. The question is, will you be one of them? At Cairn, students interested in technology can major in computer science, cybersecurity, information systems. In any one of these majors, students can also enroll in a dual-level program to earn both a bachelor’s and an MBA in just five years. Download the eBook below or apply today to get started.
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