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Cairn Hosts the Fall 2023 World Reach Week 

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From September 11–15, Cairn University organized and hosted the biannual World Reach Week. This year’s featured chapel speaker was Dr. John Njoroge. Dr. Njoroge and his wife, Dr. Leah Njoroge, are both graduates of Cairn University. They currently focus their missions work on a thriving children’s home in Maai Mahiu, Kenya, which is home to 36 children. Within the Discover, Prepare, Commit cycle of World Reach Week, Dr. Njoroge addressed the topic of “Living in Your Purpose” in his chapel messages.

Dr. Njoroge set his chapel message series around “unconventional” missions passages, including Genesis 19, Joshua 5, and Matthew 22. Genesis 19 recounts the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as the rescue of Lot and his family. Dr. Njoroge took the week to break passages down to investigate several key takeaways. The destruction of the cities and subsequent saving of Lot in Genesis drew the reader’s attention to the role of Abraham as what Dr. Njoroge called an “agent of God’s blessing.” As Abraham was used as such an agent to rescue Lot and his family, Dr. Njoroge encouraged students to both look for the “Abrahams” in their own lives as well as look for ways to be that agent of blessing.

The chapel speaker also took time in his messages to reinforce the power of apologetics. He pointed to the ministry of Jesus as the example for missionary work. By addressing the individual’s worldviews, Jesus took confrontations and turned them around, asking the individual to consider their own perspective. In seeking to be that blessing to others, we can best do so by being prepared and confident in our faith. 

Other events throughout the week included the popular World Feast, where 18 different cultures were represented. Students also had a chance to participate in the Cafe and Community at mission rep’s tables and a Boardwalk Chapel Social where they were given the opportunity to interact with missionaries, learning more about the heart of their work and how God can use their gifts and passions to serve wherever He takes them.


You can listen to Dr. Njoroge’s World Reach Week chapel messages here.


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