On display at the Connie A. Eastburn Gallery:

Covid Chronicle: Cells, Chips, and Lights

By Dr. Michelle Choy Sun

March 1 – March 29
Reception: March 1 • 6 pm

Gallery Hours:
8:30 am–4:30 pm

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About the Artist

Dr. Michelle Choy Sun (b. Hong Kong) earned her BA from University of Hong Kong, her Doctor of Education, Master of Education, and Master of Arts from Columbia University. She has a myriad of accomplishments and notable participations, including Fukuoka International Seminar, the Freeman Foundation Scholarship, and a participant of the masterpieces project at the Philadelphia Museum of Art from 2013–2014. Dr. Sun is currently living and working in Yardley, PA.

Artist Statement

“The function of an artist is to invent, not to chronicle.”—Oscar Wilde. Yet Michelangelo painted the Sistine chapel ceiling to chronicle creation and judgment of the world. Artists use canvases and installations to present oracles to future generations. This chronicle compiles a 8X10 canvas format entitled Covid Chronicle: Cells and Chips and a 3D installation named Covid Glows. The chronicle of Cells and Chips has cell sketches, each 8 x 8 inch tile, altogether 75, grouped as narratives of life that occurred since March, 2020. These life segments conglomerate the pandemic culture, such hazardous time and space, evil or good. What is our deepest reflection going through isolation, depression and suffering, sacrifice, resilience and hope? Incidentally, these are the four sub-themes of Covid Chronicle

God has woven His omnipotence in our human history, as seen in this Covid Chronicle. Search for His crosses in the 2D format. The pandemic occurred, but He has been with us to help whoever asks for His providence. He holds the most pivotal position in our human epicenter for individuals who care to seek for Him. The big and small light globes of Covid Glows are physically blown up, dramatized by their various sizes of Covid nerves, fibers, and spikes. The invisible coronary viruses have visible power with devastating outcomes to the world at large, but the inner spirit of man, symbolized by Cactus Pencil, ignites the hope of God. The plant, in its resilience, points to our mobilization to good fights in the adversity of our living environment. As survival individuals, communities, and nations of the pandemic, how can you describe your blessings that outshine in the attacks of Covid-19? Gratitude and thanksgiving are the deepest propelling forces of human existence. The secret code is a spiritual key to our inner doors and the world of the Lord’s illumination. As this virus is likely to become part of our life, what buoyant intellectual and spiritual strengths can we build to prepare for future pandemics?

If your church, school, or homeschool group is interested in a tour, please contact Matt Stemler at [email protected] or 215.702.4382.


Cairn University believes that truth, beauty, and goodness find their source in God and that artistic, creative endeavors manifest the divine image in humankind. Because of this, the University Arts Initiative seeks to integrate the creative arts into every student’s experience. In addition to sponsoring an integrated art gallery that exhibits fine art in every major building on campus, the Arts Initiative also hosts visiting artist presentations, supports the Student Visual Arts Society and academic arts courses and programs at Cairn.

Community Art Opportunities and Resources

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Christians in the Visual Arts

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Arts & Cultural Council of Bucks County

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Asian Arts Initiative
1219 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107

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Philadelphia Museum of Art
2600 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19130


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