Her artistic journey was followed by a spiritual one, as she began to follow Christ after she began painting the dresses. According to Jean, the dress has become a metaphor: “the worn and well-traveled dress represents renewal by light and water—a baptism of sorts.”
Sbarra’s work will be on display and available for purchase in the Eastburn Gallery until March 26, 2021. Gallery hours are Monday–Saturday from 8:30 am–4:30 pm; guests are welcome to view her works on campus, but masking and social distancing precautions must be observed when on campus. If you are interested in purchasing a piece or organizing a tour for your church, school, or homeschool group, contact the Gallery Collection Curator, Matt Stemler, at [email protected].
Cairn Welcomes New Students at 2024–2025 Convocation Chapel
Cairn University was excited to introduce the new academic year through Convocation Chapel on Monday, August 26, 2024. This year, the University took a moment to recognize new incoming students